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COVID-19 (Coronavirus) | Impact to Virgo Networks and business continuity plan

  • Monday, 2nd March, 2020
  • 00:00am

[UPDATED May 4th 2019 | 00:00]


The impact of COVID-19 is proving to be one of the most significant events in modern history, affecting countless lives across the world in ways that just a few months ago were almost inconceivable.

During this time, our thoughts are with all those affected, both directly or indirectly.

We also need to focus on the continued provision of our services to customers, and the safety of our staff, contractors and suppliers. This announcement provides information on how Virgo Networks is managing our response to the pandemic.


Provision of Services

The provision of all Virgo Networks services remains unaffected by both the coronavirus pandemic and the introduction of government mandated changes and restrictions upon business and personal activities.

All services are operating as expected, and we do not anticipate any changes to this.


Business Continuity

Virgo Networks staff are currently all working from home, and are practicing self-isolation to reduce the potential for exposure to coronavirus.

We have reviewed our stock levels for all spare parts and equipment, ensuring that we have sufficient supplies to deal with any hardware or equipment failures during the pandemic.

We have, and continue, to engage with our suppliers and partners to ensure that parts and equipment can be sourced at short-notice if required, and to ensure that their service provision is not affected.


Access to Datacentre Facilities

During the current circumstances, Virgo Networks are working with our datacentre operators to manage the basis upon which access can be granted to datacentre facilities.

Whilst specific operational guidance varies from facility-to-facility, the majority of our facility operators are currently not accepting visitors or access requests, except for essential work. Access must be requested in advance, and will only be granted subject to the following restrictions:

  • Visitors will be required to maintain site-specific social distancing and enhanced personal hygiene practices,
  • Visiting parties will be limited to 1 person,
  • Access will be provided within a specifically allocated time-slot,
  • Shared equipment such as crash-carts, tools and breakout areas may not be available,
  • Any person who displays symptoms of coronavirus, has been in contact with someone displaying such symptoms, or has been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 within the past 14 days will NOT be permitted access.

To ensure that customers can continue to work without disruption, we have waived all fees on remote-hands requests of 15 minutes or less. For requests of more than 15 minutes, we have introduced a significantly reduced rate for remote-hands services.


We will continue to monitor the situation closely, and change our response and advice to customers if required. If you have questions or concerns regarding your services or our response to the pandemic, please contact us and we’ll work together to ensure these are resolved.


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